Community Health Needs & Asset Assessment in Partnership with Haitian Residents of Harris County

On February 22 and March 1, 2025, two powerful gatherings brought together Haitian residents of Harris County to define and envision a healthier community. These visioning events were part of a broader effort to address a critical gap in public health data available on Haitians living in the U.S., an immigrant population whose contributions and presence continue to grow yet remain underrepresented in health statistics. To address this gap, Roldyne Dolce, MPH (Houston), Andrew Springer, DrPH (Austin) at the UTHealth School of Public Health, in partnership with a community planning group comprised of five Haitian leaders from the Houston community - Dr. Thalia Micah, Dorothy Dupuy, Nikki Dolce, Dr. Katia Jean Baptist, and Voltaire Archelus, are leading a community assessment study to assess current health needs, community assets, and opportunities for community health improvement.
Approach. Using the Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) framework, the research will employ a mixed-methods approach, including key informant interviews, focus groups, and a community health assessment survey. Entering MAPP Phase 2, Visioning, marked a significant milestone in the project. On February 22, twenty-five Haitian residents, along with four non-Haitian allies, convened at the Robinson-Westchase Neighborhood Library. Attendees also included Haitian faith leaders, representatives of community organizations, and leaders who work directly with the community. On March 1, twenty-four Haitian community members, mostly elders and families with children gathered at the Shepard-Acres Homes Neighborhood Library. These gatherings were an opportunity for Haitians to collaboratively define their community and articulate shared values and vision using participatory learning and action methods. The event was held in English and Haitian Creole.
Initial Findings. Unlike other cities such as Miami or Boston, where Haitian immigrants tend to settle in concentrated neighborhoods, the Haitian community in Houston is more dispersed, leading to a sense of disconnectedness. During our visioning session(s), participants collectively defined what constitutes the Haitian community in Houston—identifying key characteristics, locations, and cultural hubs such as churches and restaurants. The conversation then shifted to core community values, where attendees engaged in a gallery walk and a dotmocracy voting process to highlight the most integral principles that should guide the Haitian health assessment project. It was revealed that the community placed high value on: Holistic/Herbal medicine, education, leadership, respect, financial freedom, and Love, defined as being patient and compassionate towards everyone. Finally, participants took part in a visioning statement exercise, imagining what the Haitian community would look like if we successfully worked toward achieving health equity. At both gatherings attendees highlighted the need for a physical community center where members of the Haitian community can receive “resources, education, and knowledge to improve one’s own physical, mental and financial well-being and that of their families”. This center would feature a community garden, language support, group therapy, etc. Chronic disease prevention and strategies to improve mental health were also common goals for a healthier community. In addition, groups envisioned a community where recent, 1st and 2nd generation immigrants alike, can easily integrate into Houston through their shared culture and language, or what one group referred to as, “generational knowledge transfer”. These statements and values shared at this event will be adopted and kept alive through the remainder of the research project via materials, such as brochures, leaflets, and reports.
In recent months, the Haitian community has been at the center of national discourse, particularly concerning immigration policies and societal tensions. This event was not just a discussion—it was a call to action, shifting the conversation toward empowering the Haitian community to take charge of its health and well-being. The Haitian community may be physically dispersed throughout the city, but they remain deeply connected through shared culture, ideas, and beliefs. By understanding the community's vision, health issues can be prioritized based on their alignment with the desired future state. A thematic analysis is forthcoming to identify recurring themes that represent the collective voice and priorities of the community. The insights gained will be shared back to the community. Roldyne, Andrew, and our community planning group continue to prioritize building trust and setting a precedent for collaboration in the upcoming phases of this assessment. The data collected in this project will serve as a foundation for informing policies, public health strategies, and resource allocation to support and advance the health and quality of life of our Haitian neighbors. To learn more about the research project, visit